Extending the string object in c#

Published on Jan 04, 2008

Thanks to Peter I modify where the string[] is declared and changed an obvious mistake instead of string s = “”; I use the correct form of string s = string.Empty;, I can’t believe I miss that one, I really annoy my team with that :-)

I have found some controversy in some post in the wild where I demonstrate how to extend the string object. Sometimes the controversy is around the examples presented. So I decided to make my own example with methods that I wish were included in the framework.

String has two very useful methods ToUpper() and ToLower(), but I found myself looking for a good ToCamel(), ToPascal(), Capitalize() and CapitalizeAll() methods one too many times.

Let’s write down what we want to accomplish.

Method Definition
ToCamel() Given a set of words separated by a space or an underscore return a lower Camel cased word. ex: Hernan Garcia → hernanGarcia
ToPascal() Like ToCamel but all words start with an uppercase
Capitalize() Given a word or a phrase make the first letter of the phrase and the first letter after a point Upper case and all the rest lower case.
CapitalizeAll() Like Capitalize but all words start with an uppercase letter.


The implementation is super simple.

An example of usage:

The result:



The result:


The code


The result:


The code:


The result:

There are some other methods in this same line that we can create, for example a method to convert back from Pascal or Camel into a space or underscore separate string.