Have you ever wanted to learn Rails but you never wanted where to start?
Published on Jan 24, 2009I have been playing with both Ruby and Rails for maybe two years. Never doing anything really “serious”, like an external project for a client. I kind of know my way around it when I need it, but I still consider myself a Beginner. So when a few days ago I read this post about Xprest I got exited.
XPrest is; according to the project page (emphasis mine):
This project is an open source enterprise expense reporting system. It’s raison d’etre is to act as an example system for showing how to build RESTful enterprise systems. While it will be a functional expense reporting system, it is not designed to be a complete answer to enterprise expense reporting needs.
There are already a few articles in the wiki:
and maybe the most important
I suggest you tag along this project, it looks like the perfect opportunity to learn both a very good language and an excellent framework for development web apps.
I also suggest you subscribe to Pete Lacey’s blog