Speaking at Toronto Code Camp 2010 on BDD + User stories for end to end testing.

Published on Apr 15, 2010

I finally got the courage and sent a proposal for speaking at the Toronto code camp. The good news is that it was accepted and I will be speaking this coming May 1st at this year code camp.

This time around will be at Seneca college in front of another full house. 8 tracks of .Net goodness ranging from SharePoint development to JQuery, testing (Unit and BDD), Silverlight, OData, Win Phone 7, etc. Check all the details visiting the Code camp website: http://www.torontocodecamp.net/Agenda/tabid/56/Default.aspx

About my talk.

I will describe what BDD is and give a brief introduction to user stories. I will de demoing how to use them to generate executable code that exercise your system and tells the clients that your program is working as expected.

This technique can help you to increase the communication bandwidth between business, development and other stakeholders. I will explore this technique not just in the context of a green field application but will talk about how to use it around a legacy or existing app that has no specifications as a security net for modifying it.

As a code camp talk I will be showing a lot of code and examples with different tools so you can decide witch one fit best into your workflow.