The dynamic programmer

Why you need to use a good architecture when writing JavaScript

I'm working in an application originally programmed in 200 by only one developer. I really clever guy that put in place quiet a bit of base code. The original design of the application is not all that bad, but several waves of developers have done maintenance on it.

State changes, rest APIs and end points based permissions.

I often get asked how to model HTTP APIs to change status on objects when we try to manage all our permissions based on the end points and HTTP verbs available.

Excellent presentation on REST by Stefan Tilkov

Stefan Tilkov is one of the guys behind the fabulous and is a big REST proponent. The talk is titled REST, an alternative to Web Services.

Catharsis, a complete framework for developing Web apps using MVC and NHibernate 2.0

Once in a while I like to browse around Codeplex to see what's new and if I found anything interesting. Today I found this Gem of a project called Catharsis. To be able to use it you will need VS 2008 with SP1.

Architecture by Baseball

I just came across this series of posts, Architecture by Baseball.This series seems to be writting for me. I'm a baseball fanatic and I use techniques borrowed from baseball to manage my teams.If you are in a Team lead position or doing some arch...

Videos of the Agile 2008 sessions at InfoQ

InfoQ published some videos for sessions at Agile 2008. Agile 2008 was held here in Toronto two weeks ago and I participate as a volunteer. It was a great experience and the variety and quality of the talks was really good.

DevTeach - The best sessions - 1 (MVC submersion)

Jeffrey Palermo gave a great presentation about the ASP.NET MVC framework. If you read my blog you know that MVC is kind of an obsession with me. The presentation used the codecampserver project that use the last drop of the code for MVC

REST, a video about it, and a book to rule them all.

I seriously believe that REST is a simple and yet powerful architecture that can be used in most scenarios where web services need to be deployed. This week the good guys at have an interview with Pete Lacey a fervent proponent of REST ...