The dynamic programmer

MVC framework in .NET by Microsoft

In the altnet conference the guys from Microsoft presented an MVC framework that will be released on the spring. It promise to be something really good, it's seems to be so flexible that you can plug into it whatever framework you are used to.

Ruby Koans, learning ruby the test driven way.

Probably you are aware of Edgecase Ruby Koans. In case you aren't, let me introduce you to them.

FirstOrNullObject extension method for IEnumerable<T> and FirstOrNew.

In the context of this article every time I mention Linq I'm actually talking about Linq To Objects. Although Linq has a very handy method on FirstOrDefault<T>.

ASP.NET MVC in Action, first impressions.

I got a copy of the MEAP edition for ASP.NET MVC in Action. This is the book on the (new?) ASP.NET MVC framework written by Jeffrey Palermo, Ben Scheirman, and Jimmy Bogard.

Dependencies to third party libraries; attributes, the kiss of dead.

In part 1 I talked about using the facade pattern or a wrapper to avoid dependencies to third party libraries. In the second part I talked about taking care of custom exceptions defined in those libraries and how to shield you client code from...

XGENO.ORG new lightweight ORM Mapper.

You can find this new ORM framework at http-// Starting with it is fairly easy. Just add a reference on your project to the very small (32K) dll (only one!) and you can start playing with it.

Isolate yourself from external libraries using the Facade pattern.

Besides programming against Interfaces and using Dependency Injection to reduce coupling, there is another practice that can/should be used when you consume an external library.

FubuMVC another MVC framework for .Net

We are living in very exiting times in the .Net world. Every time I look I find a new framework to do web development. I recently found FubuMVC. This framework is a bit different from Sharp Architecture or the Catharsis guidance

Keep your Controllers lean.

I was going to write a post about this but my thoughts are exactly the same as Fredrik Normen's. For example, one thing that creeps me out is seen think like this in the Controller.

Videos of the Agile 2008 sessions at InfoQ

InfoQ published some videos for sessions at Agile 2008. Agile 2008 was held here in Toronto two weeks ago and I participate as a volunteer. It was a great experience and the variety and quality of the talks was really good.

DevTeach - The best sessions - 1 (MVC submersion)

Jeffrey Palermo gave a great presentation about the ASP.NET MVC framework. If you read my blog you know that MVC is kind of an obsession with me. The presentation used the codecampserver project that use the last drop of the code for MVC

Using an existing Model with the ASP.MVC framework

I have been reading a lot about how this framework will better be used in brand new developments. I agree that you won't migrate an existing site to this framework.