The dynamic programmer
Continuous Integration

The simplicity and speed of Git and DVCS in general.

Since I started using Git a few months ago, and particularly GitHub since last September, my life have been good in DVCS land.I used to be a Subversion user and I was happy*, maybe because I didn't know anything better.

My new an improved tooling for builds and project management.

I try to be pragmatic in my approach to development and one of the things that change the most are the tools I use to deliver software. There are several reasons why I change tools so often.

A Resharper template for use with

I have been playing at home for the last few days with different migrations strategies for db development. The one that I like the most so far is Migrator.Net. Here are the things I really like.

CruiseControl.NET Build Station or how to run in a development machine without IIS

I just saw this project in Codeplex; CruiseControl.Net build station sounds interesting and very useful if you happen to work in a machine without IIS.

Big Visible Cruise patch to specify projects in the configuration file

Download the patch to add projects via the configuration file to Big Visible Cruise.

Big Visible Cruise- Cruise control project status in a big screen

Lava lamps, Orbs, led displays, they all have been used and are still being used to show the build status of projects under Continuous Integration. What about using a big flat panel TV? Cruise Control provides information via xml ...

PartCover.Net and CC.Net Part 2 - Making it pretty.

In my previous post I show how to integrate PartCover reports into CC.Net and promise to look into make the reports look a bit nicer and try to integrate the Coverage metrics into the statistics reports. So I dust off my xslt ...

Integrate PartCover.Net and Cruise Control.Net

A few months ago I mentioned that I was using PartCover.Net to measure test coverage in my projects. I have been really busy but I decided that this week I was going to integrate the reports with CC.Net. Cruise Control ships with NCover support o...